The Backpacker's Guide To Prehistory
The Backpacker's Guide To Prehistory
S1 E6: The Pleistocene
For the season finale of The Backpacker's Guide To Prehistory, host David Mountain ventures into the Pleistocene, a time of woolly mammoths, sabretooth cats and some pretty unpleasant wombattitude. From the barren wastes of the northern tundra to the treacherous woodlands of Ice Age Australia, discover the dos and don'ts (and the don't-even-think-about-its) of Pleistocene travel.
Providing the travel advice are two Pleistocene experts: Dr Julie Meachen, a palaeontologist at Des Moines University (https://www.dmu.edu/directory/julie-meachen/; https://twitter.com/sabercatwoman) and Diana Fusco, a palaeontologist at Flinders University (https://sites.flinders.edu.au/palaeontology/home/people/research-students/diana-fusco/; https://twitter.com/HvyMetalPalaeo). If you want to find out more about Ice Age predators and marsupial megafauna - and why on earth wouldn't you? - then be sure to check out their research.
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